Category Archives: Python

Python scripts for Secret Server

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to share with you some cool scripts in Python that I have been working on. I don’t think they are perfect, but as I am not seeing anything similar to that on the internet I decided to share with you.

Secret Server

Secret Server as the company states in their website.

Secret Server is a clear pick for Privileged Account Management. Competitive pricing, rapid deployment, and short time to value. supporting a variety of complex and specialized enterprise use cases

Secret Server is really helpfull for sharing credentials among teams, checking-in and out from secrets, automatic rotation of passwords, etc.. 

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Python Virtual Environments! Be safe! How to setup on Windows!

Hi everyone,

You all know that lately I have been learning a bit of Python and one of the very first things that every single course says are: Create all your projects in a Python Virtual Environment. However, what does Virtual Environment mean?

When you do a default installation of Python, you can pretty much use it, install packages and create all your projects and this will work without any problems. The problem begins when a particular project of yours starts to have dependencies of a certain Python package in a certain level. If you run pip upgrade for a package in your global environment all projects that uses that one will get upgraded as well. The outcome from that are two possible results.

1) Your package is upgraded successfully and all projects that relates to that also work after.

2) Your package is upgraded successfully and some of your projects stops to work because of version compatibility. Read the rest of this entry

Which Python training’s I did? Or I’m still doing – Tips!

PS: Portuguese version below!

Hi everyone,

Before even starting this blog post, I want it to make it very clear! If you are an Python/Developer Expert most likely this isn’t for you.

The reason for that is if you aren this kind of person, maybe you will find that those courses that I am sharing in here are too basic, because the main idea is really that. I want to share the courses that I did, or that I am still doing and reviewing from time to time, in order to not forget what I learnt.

This blog post is meant for people like me that are maybe SQL Server professionals and want to learn more about this language and what can be done. So, without prolonging too much, here it is my list. Read the rest of this entry

Connect Python and SQL Server – Part 2

Hey Guys,

In my first blog post about Python and SQL Server, I gave a very short introduction in how to actually connect and execute a simple query. Today I want to extend a bit on using Python and SQL Server.

As I described in the end of the previous post the ideal scenario is that you inherit the database connection from a single file and then use it whenever and anywhere you want. This makes your code to look cleaner and eliminate redundant work in case you need to change credentials or something else. For that I will show to you how to do it. Read the rest of this entry

Connect Python and SQL Server – Setup

Hi everyone!!

Lately I have been studying a bit of Python that I intend to use at work for some projects and also for learning a new language. I would recommend for you to also learn it, because as you know Python is coming to SQL Server 2017. The thing is that with Python you can use in your Machine Learning models, build Websites using some other frameworks such as: Django or Flask and even automate trivial tasks of your daily basis.

However, something that I know from the top of my head now is: Python was not designed in the first hand to deal with Microsoft SQL Server as a backend database. You don’t find lot’s of examples, the documentation sometimes is a bit misleading and errors and more errors that you cannot even imagine. If you search about Python + MySQL, Python + PostgreSQL, you will find lots of examples out there. I am not saying this is bad or anything, but it is just the way it is. Read the rest of this entry