Category Archives: aws

Extract AWS Cost Reports by Tags – Part 1

Hello everyone,

On today’s tip, I would like to share on how you can activate or disable tags in the AWS Billing page in the AWS console.

The scenario here is pretty simple.

As an user responsible for AWS Billing, I would like to view my AWS costs based on certain tags that are being used when people are deploying resources into the account.

So, to execute the above request, perform the following steps in your AWS account.

  1. Using the AWS Console
    • On the AWS console search for Billing.
    • On the Billing dashboard, click on the Cost allocation tags located in the left-hand side of the page.
    • Once the page opens, use the search bar to find the tag you wish to enable.
    • Select the tag you wish to enable, and click on Activate.
    • A prompt will appear to confirm your choices. Just click on Activate once again.
    • Notice that it may take up to 24 hours for the new tag to reflect in the AWS Cost Explorer page.
  2. Using the AWS CLI
    • Using either AWS Cloud Shell or your local AWS CLI, execute the below command.
      aws ce update-cost-allocation-tags-status --cost-allocation-tags-status TagKey=StackName,Status=Active
    • If the action has been executed successfully, you should see similar output in your terminal.

I hope the information is valuable, and if you have any questions, leave me a message in the comments.